untraceable case 源頭不明個案

untraceable case


增12宗新型肺炎確診 11宗本地個案中3宗源頭不明(2021年2月23日)。香港電台,取自 https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1577016-20210223.htm

Chuang also added that apart from the three buildings where the untraceable cases live, Tower 1C of Upper East in Hung Hom has also been included in the compulsory testing notice today after Covid cases were detected.

HK reports 12 Covid cases with three infections untraceable. (2021, February 24). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/166074/HK-reports-12-Covid-cases-with-three-infections-untraceable