Race Discrimination Ordinance 《種族歧視條例》

Race Discrimination Ordinance


客拒少數裔送餐 平機會:沒違法 社工:條例存漏洞 戶戶送刪客帳戶稱不容歧視(2021年1月23日)。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/pns/港聞/article/20210123/s00002/1611339652620/

The Equal Opportunities Commission issued a statement saying while it was not illegal for customers to reject service providers of a specific ethnicity under the Race Discrimination Ordinance, such conduct was “undesirable if the customers did it in the absence of reasonable grounds”

Coronavirus: Hong Kong anti-racism watchdog speaks out against Deliveroo, Foodpanda customer requests for non-South Asian delivery drivers. (2021, January 22). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3118914/coronavirus-hong-kong-anti-racism-watchdog-speaks