three-finger salute 三指手勢/三指禮

three-finger salute

泰國曼谷反政府運動持續,學運領袖 Francis J. Bunkueanun Paothong 及社運人士 Ekachai Hongkangwan 涉嫌在周三(14 日)的「供僧衣節」活動中,向泰國素堤達王后與提幫功王子的車隊舉起三指手勢及叫喊口號,今日(16 日)正式被控「圖謀傷害泰國王后」罪,這是自 7 月示威浪潮以來針對社運人士最嚴重的控罪,兩人或面臨終身監禁。

【泰國示威】學運領袖向王后舉三指手勢被捕 或面臨終身監禁 警多次出水炮車驅散示威者(2020年10月16日)。立場新聞,取自泰國示威-學運領袖向王后舉三指手勢被捕-或面臨終身監禁-警多次出水炮車驅散示威者/

Thai protesters raised three-finger salutes to the national anthem at public places across Bangkok on Tuesday in a sixth day showing defiance of a ban meant to end three months of protests against the government and monarchy.

Thais defy protest ban for sixth day with ‘Hunger Games’ salutes. (2020, October 20). Reuters. Retrieved from