special arrangement for a special case 特事特辦

special arrangement for a special case


教聯會調查:逾六成受訪學校收生人數下降(2020年9月17日)。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/ins/港聞/article/20200917/s00001/1600320105188/

Some members of the public have queried whether the airport staff concerned (including staff of the security company and the airline concerned) made any “special arrangement for a special case” in this incident, failing to observe security check requirements.

LCQ3: Security screening for passengers and baggage at Hong Kong International Airport. (2016, May 4). HKSAR Press Releases. Retrieved from https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201605/04/P201605040568.htm