“Fox Hunt” 「獵狐行動」

“Fox Hunt”

《衛報》報導,FBI局長瑞依在華府智庫哈德遜研究所(Hudson Institute)演講時指出,中國國家主席習近平6年前發起「獵狐行動」,表面上是為了追捕涉嫌貪腐而逃亡到國外的官員和商務人士,還發布通緝名單給美、澳、英、法、加拿大等政府;歐巴馬政府在2015年時曾指責中國秘密派遣特務到美國逮人。

揭露「獵狐行動」逼迫海外華人回國或自盡 FBI局長:中國是美國最大威脅(2020年7月8日)。風傳媒,取自https://www.storm.mg/article/2834356

The FBI director mentioned a programme called “Fox Hunt“, which he said President Xi Jinping had “spearheaded” and he said was geared at Chinese nationals living abroad seen as threats to the Chinese government.

FBI director: China is ‘greatest threat’ to US. (2020, July 8). BBC. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53329755