third-degree murder 三級謀殺

third-degree murder

美國黑人弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被白人警員喬文(Derek Chauvin)跪頸死四日後,當局正式起訴喬文三級謀殺罪,但全國20多個城市出現抗議警暴的示威,至少兩人死亡。

黑人遭跪頸亡 警被控三級謀殺 美怒火焚城兩死 憲兵候命駐明州(2020年5月31日)。蘋果日報,取自

Derek Chauvin had his knee on George Floyd’s neck for more than 8 minutes and prosecutors want to hold the fired Minneapolis police officer accountable for Floyd’s death.

Chauvin, 44, was charged Friday with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter — two felonies where intent is a key element.

A look at why ex-police officer Derek Chauvin is charged with third-degree murder. (2020, May 30). CNN. Retrieved from