throw red paint at 淋紅油

throw red paint at

在修訂逃犯條例修訂審議前流亡台灣的香港銅鑼灣書店前店長林榮基,原定本週六(25 日)於台灣重開書店,惟昨早(20 日)收到律師信指「銅鑼灣書店」一名已被搶先註冊;到今早(21 日),林榮基下街準備吃早餐,在咖啡店門口突然被陌生人淋紅油。林榮基表示,幕後肯定是中國同路人所為,希望台灣警方徹查。

台北銅鑼灣書店開張在即 林榮基收律師信被指侵權 被跟蹤淋紅油(2020年4月21日)。立場新聞,取自台灣/台北銅鑼灣書店開張在即-林榮基收律師信被指侵權-被跟縱淋紅油/

The opening and accompanying news conference came days after a masked man threw red paint at Lam Wing-kee while he sat alone at a coffee shop in Taiwan. Lam suffered no physical injuries and showed little sign of the attack other than a red tint to his hair.

Abducted Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee opens Taiwan shop. (2020, April 25). The Guardian. Retrieved from