social gathering ban 限聚令

social gathering ban

本港自上月 27 日起實施限聚令,政府早前宣布延長措施至 5 月 7 日。

限聚令 5 月 7 日屆滿 消息指政府考慮再度延長(2020年4月27日)。立場新聞,取自限聚令-5-月-7-日屆滿-消息指政府考慮再度延長/

Anti-epidemic measures such as the social gathering ban, restrictions on eateries and the 14-day mandatory home quarantine on entries from the mainland, Macau and Taiwan are set to expire next Thursday.

Coronavirus: Majority of Hong Kong gov’t staff to return to work next Monday. (2020, April 28). Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from