“sick man of Asia” 「亞洲病夫」/「東亞病夫」

“sick man of Asia”

《華爾街日報》日前刊登題為〈中國是真正的亞洲病夫〉的評論文章引發的「辱華」風波未了。繼吊銷該報 3 名駐華記者的記者證之後,中國分社社長鄭子揚(Jonathan Cheng)發送 53 名編採人員的聯署信,促請管理層考慮修正涉事文章標題,並就事件道歉。

《華爾街日報》中國分社社長等聯署 促就「亞洲病夫」評論標題道歉(2020年2月24日)。立場新聞,取自https://www.thestandnews.com/media/華爾街日報-中國分社社長等聯署-促就-亞洲病夫-評論標題道歉/

China has expelled three Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporters in response to an opinion article the newspaper published, which described the country as the “real sick man of Asia”.

Beijing expels three WSJ journalists over opinion piece calling China ‘real sick man of Asia’. (2020, February 20). The Independent. Retrieved from https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-wall-street-journal-journalists-expelled-sick-man-asia-a9343721.html