aerosol-generating procedure 霧化程序

aerosol-generating procedure

有伊院醫護表示,該院近日起不允許做胃鏡及腸鏡檢查的醫護戴N95,認為過程涉霧化程序(aerosol generating procedure),憂隱形患者會在院內播毒,質疑院方降低裝備標準,置醫護於險境,昨曾向感染控制及質素安全部門的醫生反映意見,但有關決定未收回。

醫護投訴照腸鏡禁戴N95 伊院:非霧化程序不用(2020年2月21日)。明報,取自要聞/article/20200221/s00001/1582223857615/

Key among those were recommendations that respirators be discarded following use during aerosol-generating procedures, or when they have been contaminated with blood, respiratory or nasal secretions, or other bodily fluids from patients.

Coronavirus: new mask guidelines rankle union as Hospital Authority urges longer use amid citywide shortage. (2020, February 13). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from