Unification Church 統一教

Unification Church


南韓統一教為6000對新人舉行集體婚禮 禁中國信眾出席(2020年2月7日)。香港經濟日報,取自https://inews.hket.com/article/2558967/

South Korean groom Lee Kwon-seok was excited to join thousands of other couples in the latest mass wedding performed by South Korea’s Unification Church on Friday, but he and his bride weren’t taking any chances amid the coronavirus outbreak.

South Korea mass wedding attracts thousands despite virus fears. (2020, February 7). Reuters. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-southkorea-masswedding/south-korea-mass-wedding-attracts-thousands-despite-virus-fears-idUSKBN2010TJ