local transmission 本地傳播

local transmission


【武漢肺炎】新加坡首現本地傳播 確診病例增至24宗(2020年2月4日)。香港經濟日報,取自https://inews.hket.com/article/2556061/

Singapore has recorded its first cases of local coronavirus transmission, with four women here infected who had not travelled to Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak.

Coronavirus: S’pore reports first cases of local transmission; 4 out of 6 new cases did not travel to China. (2020, February 4). The Straits Times. Retrieved from https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/coronavirus-spore-reports-first-cases-of-local-transmission-4-out-of-6-new-cases-did-not