“clean coal” 「清潔煤」

“clean coal”


「清潔煤」奪多命 唐山展開安全大檢查(2019年12月6日)。明報,取自https://news.mingpao.com/pns/中國/article/20191206/s00013/1575569951195/

Authorities in northern China have begun an investigation into a “clean coal” supplier after six people who bought the fuel for heating died from carbon monoxide poisoning in their homes, local media reported.

Chinese city to investigate after six people die from carbon monoxide poisoning after burning ‘clean coal’. (2019, December 5). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3040755/chinese-city-investigate-after-six-people-die-carbon-monoxide