“Nazinotstand”/”Nazi emergency” 「納粹緊急狀態」
“Nazinotstand”/”Nazi emergency”
德累斯頓宣布「納粹緊急狀態」 促捍衛民主反極右暴力 無法律約束力(2019年11月4日)。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/pns/國際/article/20191104/s00014/1572805370057/
A city in eastern Germany has declared a “Nazi emergency”, saying it has a serious problem with the far-right……
“‘Nazinotstand’ means – similar to the climate emergency – that we have a serious problem. The open democratic society is threatened,” local councillor Max Aschenbach, who tabled the motion, told the BBC.
Dresden: The German city that declared a ‘Nazi emergency’. (2019, November 2). BBC. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50266955