The Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative/The TAIPEI Act 《台灣友邦國際保護暨強化倡議法案》/「台北法案」

The Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative/The TAIPEI Act

「台北法案」全名為《台灣友邦國際保護暨強化倡議法案》(Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative)。由長期友台的美國共和黨聯邦參議員加德納(Cory Gardner)和其他三位參議員聯合提出。法案提及立法目的在於「應對中國日益增加對台灣的施壓,包含限制台灣國際空間以及全球外交認可。」


The Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act was passed unanimously with one amendment on Tuesday (Oct. 29), reported CNA. It is aimed at intensifying the government’s support for the island nation with a carrots-and-sticks approach, ramping up “economic, security, and diplomatic engagement” with countries that have “strengthened, enhanced, or upgraded relations with Taiwan.”

US Senate passes TAIPEI Act by unanimous vote. (2019, October 30). Taiwannews. Retrieved from