“Benn Act” 《彭浩禮法案》

“Benn Act”


約翰遜版協議過二讀 動議迅速立法遭否決 押後脫歐幾成定局 德法放風小延期(2019年10月24日)。明報,取自https://news.mingpao.com/pns/國際/article/20191024/s00014/1571853892362/

Under the “Benn Act”, passed by lawmakers last month, Johnson had to ask for a Brexit deadline extension from Oct. 31 until the end of January if he failed to get lawmakers’ backing for a Brexit deal by Saturday, or their support for leaving without a deal.

Text of Brexit delay letter Johnson had to send to EU. (2019, October 20). Reuters. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-extension/text-of-brexit-delay-letter-johnson-had-to-send-to-eu-idUSKBN1WY0QN