territoriality principle 屬地原則

territoriality principle


張建宗籲台勿將政治凌駕法治(2019年10月22日)。政府新聞網,取自 https://www.news.gov.hk/chi/2019/10/20191022/20191022_095759_560.html

Hong Kong has a common law system. Anyone who has a clear understanding of our law would understand that Hong Kong adopts the territoriality principle in respect of criminal jurisdiction. In general, such jurisdiction applies only when the whole or part of the criminal act takes place within Hong Kong’s boundary.

Statement by DoJ on legal issues relating to Taiwan homicide case. (2019, October 22). HKSAR Government Press Releases. Retrieved from https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201910/22/P2019102200852.htm