Panda Hugger 擁抱熊貓派

Panda Hugger

美國的中國專家洛森(Ben Lowsen)在《外交家》雜誌上撰文,曾把美國對華政策行為分成四類:屠龍派,外交派,漢學派和擁抱熊貓派。最強硬的是所謂的屠龍派,其制華目的明確,但為達目的可以軟硬兼施。另一個極端就是那些無原則順從中國政府的所謂擁抱熊貓派

美國對華政策誰做主:熊貓派和屠龍派 中國通與戰略家(2019年9月18日)。BBC中文,取自

Finally, a quick note on the Panda Hugger. This epithet is most often used to cow those deemed too soft on China, nearly always a falsehood in this context. The real Panda Huggers are those foreigners who subordinate their own beliefs for those of the Chinese government, and that doesn’t help anyone in the end.

The Four Types of China Engager: Which Are You?. (2017, January 28). The Diplomat. Retrieved from