Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 《香港人權及民主法案》

Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act

美國《香港人權及民主法案》(Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act)近月因反修例風波成為關注點之一。
1. 重申1992年國會通過的《美國—香港政策法》;
2. 對壓制香港公民基本自由權的內地及香港官員實施制裁,包括凍結他們在美國的資產及禁止入境美國;
3. 要求美國國務卿在議案通過90日內,提交有關香港民主發展的報告,並須每年提交直至2023年。

【逃犯條例】新聞小知識:香港人權及民主法案(2019年9月8日)。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/ins/%E6%B8%AF%E8%81%9E/article/20190908/s00001/1567919560740

Marchers called on the U.S. to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act—a measure that would require Washington to annually assess the enclave’s level of autonomy from Beijing and cancel its trading privileges if that autonomy is compromised.

Clashes Erupt in Hong Kong as Thousands March on the U.S. Consulate to Call for Washington’s Support. (2019, September 8). Time Magazine. Retrieved from https://time.com/5671697/hong-kong-protests-us-consulate-human-rights-democracy-act/