One China policy 一個中國政策(一中政策)

One China policy

路透社引述一個會議紀錄報道,所羅門國會議員阿戈瓦卡(Peter Agovaka)周三表示,未來40年「我們不能和台灣朋友待在一起」,是時候結交新朋友。他說:「我們的新關係將涉及一中政策,一個只承認北京為合法政府的一中政策。」另一國會議員傅貴(John Fugui)表示,北京願向所羅門提供發展基金。

京銀彈誘建交 所羅門國會商棄台(2019年9月6日)。明報,取自中國/article/20190906/s00013/1567708067937/

The Solomon Islands intends to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan and align itself with Beijing, the leader of a high-level government team representing the South Pacific archipelago has said.
[…] “Our new relationship will deal with a One China policy; a One China policy that recognizes only Beijing as the official government administration,” he said in the recording, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters.

Solomon Islands to sever ties with Taiwan, shift alliance to Beijing. (2019, September 5). Reuters. Retrieved from