solicitation of prostitution 嫖妓/嫖娼

solicitation of prostitution

家屬披露英國駐香港總領事館蘇格蘭國際發展局(SDI)僱員鄭文傑(Simon Cheng)失蹤事件兩天後,中共《人民日報》旗下《環球時報》聲稱,鄭文傑因嫖娼而被行政拘留。

Simon Cheng:中國官媒指英駐港領館僱員因嫖娼被行政拘留 英國外交部強烈敦促信息披露(2019年8月22日)。BBC中文,取自

Simon Cheng Man-kit, 28, a trade and investment officer at the consulate’s Scottish Development International section, was held for 15 days under administrative detention in Shenzhen – a city neighbouring Hong Kong – for what mainland police said was “solicitation of prostitution”.

British consulate worker in Hong Kong held for more than two weeks in mainland China finally released, family says in Facebook statement. (2019, August 24). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from