warrant card 委任證

warrant card


【逃犯條例.九龍大遊行.短片】警彌敦道執勤 部分無佩戴委任證(2019年7月8日)。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/ins/港聞/article/20190708/s00001/1562549459005/

According to footage broadcasted live on social media, several police officers did not visibly carry warrant cards. In one clip, a plainclothes officer who wore a police helmet and carried a baton and shield did not display any identity documents.

Hong Kong press watchdogs condemn police over insults, ‘malicious jostling’ of journalists during protest clearance. (2019, July 8). Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/07/08/hong-kong-press-watchdogs-condemn-police-insults-malicious-jostling-journalists-protest-clearance/