collusion of government and triads 官黑勾結

collusion of government and triads

At around the same time, the graves of Ho’s parents were damaged by unknown people, who spray-painted “fuck” on both gravestones, as well as “collusion of government and triads” on a wall.

Pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho calls for protest ban, blames democrats for violence, storms off TV show. (2019, July 23). Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from


何君堯雙親墓碑被毀 牆噴「官黑勾結」字眼 梁美芬斥泯滅人性(2019年7月23日)。立場新聞,取自網傳何君堯雙親墓碑被毀-牆噴-官黑勾結-字眼-梁美芬斥泯滅人性/