yard waste 園林廢物

yard waste


「山竹」破壞力驚人 今年園林廢物量較去年高近萬噸(2018年12月5日)。星島日報,取自 http://std.stheadline.com/instant/articles/detail/880708

The amount of yard waste collected by government departments that ended up in landfill this year was triple the amount of last year, according to official data, a reflection of a noticeable increasing trend over the past five years.

Hong Kong produced three times as much tree waste this year as in 2017, mainly thanks to Typhoon Mangkhut. (2018, December 5). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/2176555/hong-kong-produced-three-times-much-tree-waste