Special Duties Unit (Flying Tigers) 特別任務連(飛虎隊)

Special Duties Unit (Flying Tigers)


全球恐襲陰霾蔓延 香港必須未雨綢繆(2019年4月3日)。東網,取自 https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/commentary/20190403/bkn-20190403000454708-0403_00832_001.html

However, a senior source familiar with the matter – who was granted anonymity as they did not have approval to speak to the media – indicated that the two officers were attached to the Special Duties Unit (SDU).

New Zealand terror attacks: Armed Hong Kong police joined the rescue operations, authorities confirm. (2019, March 25). Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/03/25/new-zealand-terror-attacks-armed-hong-kong-police-joined-rescue-operations-authorities-confirm/