Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華三院

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals


東華三院首次披露最高層人工 年薪近230萬直逼社署副署長(2019年4月1日)。蘋果日報,取自 https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/realtime/article/20190401/59437977

Vinci Wong Yin-chin, chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, which operates TWGHs Leo Tung-hai Lee Primary School, also pledged on his Facebook page during Tuesday’s early hours to review operations at the group’s 46 other kindergartens and schools.

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals ‘urged principal to make public explanation’ after teacher jumped to death at Hong Kong campus. (2019, March 12). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education/article/3001243/tung-wah-group-hospitals-urged-principal-make-public