“high-end” talent 高端人才

“high-end” talent


中国为外国高端人才提供10年免费签证 港媒:吸引科技人才(2018年1月6日)。新浪網,取自 http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2018-01-06/doc-ifyqiwuw7090763.shtml

China has started rolling out its new fast-track, long-stay visas for “high-end talent“, documents meant to encourage specialists such as top scientists and businesspeople to live and work in China.

Could you be a ‘high-end’ foreigner? China offers 10-year free visa to top talent. (2018, January 4). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/2126882/could-you-be-high-end-foreigner-china-offers-10-year-free-visa