Yin-Yang contract (double contracts for the same work) 陰陽合同

Yin-Yang contract (double contracts for the same work)


從「陰陽合同」到兩套房子(2018年6月8日)。大紀元,取自 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/18/6/8/n10465691.htm

China’s State Authority of Taxation announced the industry-wide move Sunday. It ordered local tax bureaus to investigate so-called Yin-Yang contracts – in essence, double contracts for the same work.

Fan Bingbing Contract Leak Sparks Film Industry Tax Probe in China. (2018, June 4). Variety. Retrieved from https://variety.com/2018/film/asia/fan-bingbing-contract-leak-film-industry-tax-probe-in-china-1202829069/