Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps 台灣青年反共救國團

Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps


【批鬥戴耀廷】聽埋前文後理 戴在台論壇2分鐘發言足本重溫(2018年4月3日)。蘋果日報,取自 https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/realtime/article/20180403/58027856

The political storm stems from Tai’s remarks this week at a seminar in Taipei organised by the Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps, which was subsequently widely reported – and condemned – by Beijing’s mouthpieces in Hong Kong for several days in a row.

Hong Kong government ‘shocked’ by Occupy leader Benny Tai’s independence comments at Taiwan seminar. (2018, March 30). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/2139698/hong-kong-government-shocked-occupy-leader-benny-tais