Western district ruling Hong Kong 西環治港

Western district ruling Hong Kong


范徐麗泰稱從來不存在「西環治港」(2018年1月14日)。商業電台,取自 http://www.881903.com/Page/ZH-TW/newsdetail.aspx?ItemId=987077&csid=261_341#

The liaison office’s role is often seen as a concern, with the opposition pan-democrats accusing it of meddling in local affairs beyond its purview, mocking it as “Western district ruling Hong Kong”.

Beijing’s man in Hong Kong hails bold new era of cooperation, says liaison office will be ‘working more and closer’ with city. (2018, January 14). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/2128211/liaison-office-will-be-working-more-and-closer-youth