“stop-and-go” e-payment「停車拍卡」式電子繳費
“stop-and-go” e-payment
【獨家】系統時間出錯急修正 城隧試行「停車拍卡」繳費甩轆(2017年8月29日)。AM730,取自https://www.am730.com.hk/news/share/93191
“All the tunnel toll booths will be equipped with “stop and go” e-payment, which will bring more convenience,” he said. But the number of toll collectors at manual toll booths will not be lowered as they are still needed in the e-payment process.
Zhang, T. (2017, July 14). No manpower cuts at toll booths in Hong Kong’s tunnels even after new e-payment arrangement. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/2102724/no-manpower-cuts-toll-booths-hong-kongs-tunnels-even-after