Xiamen Declaration 廈門宣言

Xiamen Declaration


廈門宣言低調出爐:未談擴大合作 關切朝核強調反恐(2017年9月5日)。香港 01,取自 https://www.hk01.com/article/116934

A formal communique, known as the “Xiamen Declaration”, is expected to be issued at a meeting attended by heads of state from the five major emerging economies in the grouping – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – in the Chinese coastal city of Xiamen.

BRICS countries deplore North Korean nuclear test, oppose protectionism – draft communique. (2017, September 4). Reuters. Retrieved from https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-northkorea-missiles-brics/brics-countries-deplore-north-korean-nuclear-test-oppose-protectionism-draft-communique-idUKKCN1BF0N6