antifa 反法


政治學者卡索雷洛—馬厄(George Ciccariello-Maher)指出,被稱為「反法」(antifa,即反法西斯)的激進左翼可追溯至1920至1930年代在德國、意大利及西班牙,與法西斯主義者在街頭對戰的武裝左翼,二戰後凋零。美國亦有部分左翼支持者自1980年代末走向激進,選擇以武力對抗種族主義。


For some so-called antifa members, the goal is to physically confront white supremacists. “If they can get at them, to assault them and engage in street fighting,” Mr. Pitcavage said. Mr. Lenz, at the Southern Poverty Law Center, called the group “an old left-wing extremist movement.”

Stack, L. (2017, August 15). Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language. The New York Times. Retrieved from