talcum powder 爽身粉

talcum powder

美國一名婦人自11歲起使用強生(Johnson & Johnson)嬰兒爽身粉,10年前罹患卵巢癌。法院裁定強生未有警告使用爽身粉的致癌風險,需要向婦人賠償4.17億美元(32.5億港元),是歷來同類型案件中,賠償金額最高。

六旬婦用爽身粉50年患卵巢癌 強生須賠32.5億創新高(2017年8月23日)。香港 01,取自 https://www.hk01.com/article/113868

In what may be the largest award so far in a lawsuit tying ovarian cancer to talcum powder, a Los Angeles jury on Monday ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $417 million in damages to a medical receptionist who developed ovarian cancer after using the company’s trademark Johnson’s Baby Powder on her perineum for decades.

$417 Million Awarded in Suit Tying Johnson’s Baby Powder to Cancer. (2017, August 22). New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/22/health/417-million-awarded-in-suit-tying-johnsons-baby-powder-to-cancer.html