vindictive attack 報復性攻擊

vindictive attack

「人權觀察組織」中國事務主任理查森(Sophie Richardson)指出,判決是「赤裸裸精心計算的政治起訴」。「國際特赦組織」也批評,港府執意尋求三人入獄,是「惡意」、「報復性」的攻擊,本案「將對言論自由與和平集會權利產生寒蟬效應,或許可能嚇阻其他人參與日後類似示威活動」。

雨傘革命重判 黃之鋒、羅冠聰、周永康入獄(2017年8月18日)。自由時報,取自

Amnesty International called the Hong Kong authorities’ appeal for jail terms for the three activists a “vindictive attack” on freedom of expression.
“The relentless and vindictive pursuit of student leaders using vague charges smacks of political payback by the authorities,” said Mabel Au, director of the rights group’s Hong Kong branch.

Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong jailed for six months. (2017, August 17). BBC News. Retrieved from