Quota and Points System 配額及計分制

Quota and Points System


黃俊鋒(2017年3月19日)。公屋增14% 住客少8% 輪候者不跌反升。明報,取自 https://news.mingpao.com/pns1706191497808248964

As a single man, Tang’s application is determined by the Quota and Points System, a scheme set up by the Housing Authority in 2005, which prioritises the applications of families and elderly people over younger, one-person applicants like himself.

Tong, E. (2017, March 12). Housing, shelters or nothing at all? Hong Kong’s homeless face non-existent choices. Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from https://www.hongkongfp.com/2017/03/12/housing-shelters-or-nothing-at-all-hong-kongs-homeless-face-non-existent-choices