Michel Barnier 巴尼耶

Michel Barnier


歐盟授權巴尼耶 脫歐談判時採強硬立場(2017年5月23日)。都市日報,取自 http://www.metrodaily.hk/metro_news/歐盟授權巴尼耶-脫歐談判時採強硬立場/

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator has urged the UK to begin talks “very quickly”.

Michel Barnier warned that no progress had been made on the “extraordinarily complex” talks since Theresa May invoked Article 50 in March.

The clock’s ticking on Brexit talks, EU warns UK. (2017, June 13). BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/election-2017-40259118