United States Secret Service 美國特勤局

United States Secret Service


美國特勤局:沒有特朗普任何白宮錄音(2017年6月13日)。on.cc on.cc東網,取自 http://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news/20170613/bknint-20170613055317070-0613_17011_001.html

The U.S. Secret Service says it has no records of any recording systems or transcripts of any conversations President Trump may have had in the White House.

Tillet, E. (2017, June 13). Secret Service says it has no tapes, recordings of Trump conversations in White House. CNBC. Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/news/secret-service-says-no-tapes-recordings-of-trump-conversations-exist-in-white-house