“mom and pop” workshop 家庭式工場

“mom and pop” workshop


汕頭家庭式煉金成本低回報高 工序不外傳 (2017年4月27日)。on.cc東網,取自 http://hk.on.cc/cn/bkn/cnt/news/20170427/bkncn-20170427115415403-0427_05011_001.html

They saw “mom and pop” workshops dismantling computers and melting down plastic in large containers using what they described as primitive techniques, exposing workers to toxic materials and contaminating the soil and water.

Karacs, S. (2016, July 2). Revealed: the toxic trail of e-waste that leads from the US to Hong Kong. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/1984534/revealed-toxic-trail-e-waste-leads-us-hong-kong