Wave Media 雄濤廣播

Wave Media

David Perry續指,2010年11月5日下午政府開記者會公布向雄濤發牌,曾蔭權夫婦當晚6時離港,黃楚標亦於同日離港,東亞銀行主席兼雄濤廣播股東李國寶則於翌日離港,但曾氏夫婦與李國寶於11月7日晚10時40分相若時間返港,出入境記錄顯示,三人入境時間相距僅11秒。

控方指曾蔭權夫婦與李國寶等雄濤股東外遊(2017年1月11日)。on.cc東網,取自 http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20170111/bkn-20170111105510928-0111_00822_001.html

 Donald Tsang’s wife received HK$350,000 from banker David Li Kwok-po, a shareholder of Wave Media, as part of the 800,000 yuan (HK$895,847) the former chief executive paid to rent the flat in Shenzhen, the Court of First Instance heard.

Un, P. (2017, January 11). Selina BEA cash linked to Shenzhen flat rent. The Standard. Retrieved from http://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news.php?id=178420