Great Repeal Bill 大廢除法案

Great Repeal Bill

脫歐公投至今三個多月,保守黨的內部分歧由「脫歐對留歐」變成「硬脫歐對軟脫歐」,其中硬脫歐派力主立即廢除讓歐盟凌駕英國法律的《1972年歐洲共同體法》。文翠珊昨天在保守黨大會宣佈準備在明年4至5月的女皇演說上,提出廢除《歐洲共同體法》的「大廢除法案」(Great Repeal Bill)讓國會表決,若然通過將於英國正式脫歐當日即時生效,她形容「這將是英國重新成為獨立主權國家的開端」,現已引入的歐盟法例會轉為英國法例,政府日後可因應情況決定存廢和修改。

提廢除《歐洲共同體法》法案 英揆定時間表 3月底前啟動脫歐(2016年10月3日)。蘋果日報,取自

What is the Great Repeal Bill?

The historic proposal aims to end the European Union’s legal supremacy in the UK by converting all EU requirements into British law as soon as Britain exits the bloc.

The Great Repeal Bill will instantly annul the 1972 European Communities Act (ECA), which gives EU law instant effect in the UK, and give Parliament the power to absorb parts of EU legislation into UK law and scrap elements it does not want to keep.

It will include powers to change laws using secondary legislation as negotiations over the UK’s future relationship with its partners continue. Major amendments or new laws may be put forward in separate bills.

Sims, A. (2016, October 4). What is the Great Repeal Bill? The Brexit law to end all EU laws (that we don’t like). The Independent. Retrieved from