sweetheart deal 甜心交易

sweetheart deal


美國強烈不滿 雙方經濟關係 將受嚴重損害 判蘋果藉愛爾蘭避稅 歐盟:須補繳130億(2016年8月31日)。星島日報,取自 http://www.singtaousa.com/867528/post-美國強烈不滿-雙方經濟關係-將受嚴重損害-判蘋果/?variant=zh-hk&fs=16

In August the EU said Ireland had broken European law by giving Apple a sweetheart deal. It ordered the country to bill the iPhone maker a record 13 billion euros ($13.9 billion) in back taxes, plus interest, from 2003 to 2014. One example the Commission cites: In 2011, a unit called Apple Sales International recorded profits of about 16 billion euros from sales outside the U.S. But only 50 million euros were considered taxable in Ireland, leaving 15.95 billion euros of profit untaxed, the Commission says.

Sebag, G., Doyle, D. &, Webb, A. (2016, December 17). The Inside Story of Apple’s $14 Billion Tax Bill. Bloomberg. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-16/the-inside-story-of-apple-s-14-billion-tax-bill