The Professionals Guild 專業議政

The Professionals Guild

民主派搶攻特首選委會的戰幔拉開,由6名民主派功能界別議員組成的「專業議政」聯盟將會推動和協調參選事宜,計劃進攻11個選委會專業界別,而泛民目標是奪取1200個選委中的300席。聯盟表示,民主派選委基本綱領,是重啟政改、廢除人大政改8.31框架,以及反對梁振英連任「ABC(Anyone but CY)」等3項要求。

泛民3綱領爭選委300席 重啟政改廢8.31反梁 組「專業議政」(2016年9月27日)。明報,取自

Six non-pro-establishment functional constituency legislators have begun coordination work for an Election Committee campaign to try to stop Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying’s re-election.

The Professionals Guild convener Dennis Kwok Wing-hang said yesterday that pan-democrats had only about 200 seats on the committee in 2012, but this time he hopes to grab 250-300 seats.

Un, P. (2016, September 27). Group ready for action. The Standard. Retrieved from