flashover; blackdraught 閃燃

flashover; blackdraught


為何只用防衛式滅火? 消防:貿然爆破或致「閃燃」(2016年6月23日)。經濟日報,取自 http://topick.hket.com/article/1450677/為何只用防衛式滅火- 消防:貿然爆破或致「閃燃」

Flammable smoke can spread instantly, causing potential “flashover” and “backdraught” when there is enough oxygen – two of the most-feared phenomena among firefighters, and it is particularly so as people trapped may subconsciously follow the flow of smoke to flee the fire.

Lian, Y. (2016, June 28). Kowloon Bay blaze: honor heroes by learning from tragedy. EJ Insights. Retrieved from http://www.ejinsight.com/20160628-kowloon-bay-blaze-honor-heroes-by-learning-from-tragedy/