Special Tactical Squad (Elite Team) 特別戰術小隊(速龍小隊)

Special Tactical Squad (Elite Team)


「本民前」點火 10組織助燃 旺角暴亂九小時 警方攻防全紀錄(2016年2月17日)。頭條日報,取自 http://news.stheadline.com/dailynews/content_hk/2016/02/17/361610.asp

The Special Tactical Squad, used to suppress large-scale civil disturbances and riots, arrived in Mong Kok at about 6am on Tuesday – eight hours after the chaos broke out.

Leung, C., & Kao, E. (2016, February 11). Mong Kok riot highlights Hong Kong police’s intelligence and response failings, former senior officer says. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/1911863/mong-kok-riot-highlights-hong-kong-polices-intelligence-and?page=all