“fake umbrella soldier” 假傘兵

“fake umbrella soldier”


涉嫌假傘兵被揭疑有案底(2015年10月22日)。信報,取自 http://www1.hkej.com/dailynews/politics/article/1165879/涉嫌假傘兵被揭疑有案底

A group of seven people running in the coming district council election have put yellow ribbons – a symbol of the pro-democracy Occupy protest or umbrella movement last year – on their campaign pamphlets, but they are being criticised by groups that supported the protest as “fake umbrella soldiers” who aimed at snatching votes from other pro-democracy camp candidates.

Fake umbrella soldiers’ for district council election deny snatching votes from pan-democrats. (2015, October 13). Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved from https://www.hongkongfp.com/2015/10/13/fake-umbrella-soldiers-for-district-council-election-deny-snatching-votes-from-pan-democrats/