a flood of messages; spamming 洗版式留言

a flood of messages; spamming


台灣選後:中國網民「翻牆洗版」引兩岸論戰(2016年1月21日)。BBC 中文網,取自http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/china/2016/01/160121_china_china_netizens_vpn_fb_sticker_war

Now, spammers buy hundreds of SIM cards, the chips that make cellphones work, allowing them to send a flood of messages and then abandon the phone numbers.

Wyatt, E. (2013, March 7). Government Takes Legal Action Over Phone Spam. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/08/business/government-takes-legal-action-over-phone-spam.html

Steve is 24 years old and lives solely off the money he makes spamming, which comes out to about $1,000 a day.

Wagstaff, K.  (2012, March 28). Pinterest Easiest Site to Spam Says Man Making $1,000 a Day Doing It.TIME. Retrieved from http://techland.time.com/2012/03/28/pinterest-easiest-site-to-spam-says-man-who-makes-1000-a-day/