“Face with tears of joy” emoji “笑到喊”表情符號

“Face with tears of joy” emoji

2015年度詞彙不是字,而是一個表情?權威參考工具書系列牛津詞典(Oxford Dictionaries)的編撰團隊公布,emoji中代表「笑到喊」的表情符號(圖)破天荒當選為今年的牛津詞典「年度詞彙」。牛津詞典指出,過去一年象形圖(pictograms)在網絡通訊的地位迅速上升,這個圖像正捕捉住這一年的特質。

笑到喊Emoji 膺牛津年度字(2015年11月18日)。明報,取自 http://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20151118/s00014/1447784071639

It was named word of the year in 2015 and now, the ‘face with tears of joy’ emoji is found to be the most popular in the world.

Crying its way to the top of the chart: ‘Face with tears of joy’ revealed as world’s most popular emoji. (2017, January 4). Daily Mail. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4089052/Crying-way-chart-Face-tears-joy-revealed-world-s-popular-emoji.html