white elephant project 大白象工程

white elephant project


回到英殖時:基建走樣淪大白象 (2017年5月22日)。香港蘋果日報,取自 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20170522/20029167

Implementing joint checkpoint to enable Chinese laws to be enforced in Hong Kong seems to be the main reason why the high-speed rail, which is widely seen as a white elephant project, is being built.

Yeung, S. C. (2017, May 25). Why concerns about ‘co-location’ for rail link are intensifying. EJ Insight, Hong Kong Economic Journal. Retrieved from http://www.ejinsight.com/20170525-why-concerns-about-co-location-for-rail-link-are-intensifying