38th parallel north 三八線(北緯38度線)

38th parallel north


美國總統特朗普訪韓時可能不去三八線(2017年10月23日)。法國國際廣播電台,取自 http://trad.cn.rfi.fr/中國/20171023-美國總統特朗普訪韓時可能不去三八線

The immediate causes of hostilities have changed, but the fundamental reasons for the U.S.-China confrontation along the 38th Parallel North remain the same. China wants the U.S. out of South Korea – indeed out of Asia, as was constantly repeated during American intelligence gathering and freedom of navigation maneuvers around China’s contested maritime borders.

Ivanovitch, M. (2017, September 25). The Korean crisis is a watershed event in American-Chinese relations. CNBC. Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/25/the-korean-crisis-is-a-watershed-event-in-american-chinese-relations.html